Des questions ?

Do you offer a money-back guarantee?

After subscribing, you have 14 days to request a full refund and cancel your VoilaChef subscription.
Once this request has been made, please allow 2 to 5 working days to process your refund.

Is it commitment-free?

Of course!
Our memberships are non-binding and can be terminated at any time by logging into your Account.
You will be able to access the content of the platform until the end of the invoiced period.

How do I cancel my subscription?

To cancel your membership, simply go to “My Profile” / “Edit my subscription”.

What's more, if you change your mind within 14 days of joining, you can e-mail us at and we'll refund your money.

Which devices can I watch the online courses on?

Our website and all our online courses are designed to be easily accessed and viewed from a computer, tablet or smartphone.

How to contact us?

You can contact us by email at or via social networks  (Facebook | Instagram) if you have a question, suggestion or encounter the slightest problem.

How do I become a VoilaChef ambassador?

Do you run a social network community and would like to partner up with VOILA CHEF?
Contact us by email at or reach us directly via our Instagram account.